
PERZINA 6’2″ GRAND piano

PERZINA 6’2″ GRAND piano

This is a new Perzina grand piano, model GP-187. Delivery is included within 100 miles of Kramer’s Piano Shop. Upon purchase, you will receive 1 FREE tuning in home within 30 days of purchase. There is a 10 year warranty on this product.

SKU #0304543

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PERZINA 6’2″ GRAND piano

SKU: 304543 Category: Tag:


This is a new Perzina grand piano, model GP-187. Delivery is included within 100 miles of Kramer’s Piano Shop. Upon purchase, you will receive 1 FREE tuning in home within 30 days of purchase. There is a 10 year warranty on this product.

SKU #0304543


  • Bench Included
  • Ebony polish
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