Piano Climate Control Systems
Our expert technicians have installed over 800 Damppchaser Life Saver Systems. This system protects your investment by maintaining the desired 42% internal humidity level throughout the year, extending the life of your piano. We service each system at the time of the piano’s tuning to keep the unit performing at its highest level of operation.
Please ask for a free brochure about the Damppchaser Piano Life Saver System which explains the dangers of the dry heat of the winter season, and the excessive humidity of summer, and displays how this system counteracts these effects.

Grand Piano Climate Control System
For grand pianos up to 7′ long. Grands 7′ and longer require a larger system with an additional water take and dehumidifier rod.
Add an undercover installation for increased protection and humidity control.

Vertical Piano Climate Control System
For spinets, consoles, studios, and upright pianos.
Climate Control System Installation Quote
Please fill out the form below. We will then contact you to schedule your piano appraisal.